Never had close contact with something like that but close enough that it struck such awe in me. Had been driving down the road on my way home. A large storm was looming. Where we live it is hilly and many many large fields. I was just coming off the top of one of the larger hills on my way home and looking across to the next hill where it was topped by a field I saw the dirt (It was spring so nothing was growing yet in the field) begin to swirl. UP above in the clouds there was a large swirl. I slowed the car as I reached the valley and couldn't do anything but watch in awe as the swirls extended slowly and grew until they met in the middle. Then the funnel strung along the ridge above to the east (I was in the south and my road passed the field to the west). The ridge angled down and as the funnel slipped down the ridge it ran into trees. There it began to break up somewhat. It wasn't apparently a very strong tornado as far as they go but it was amazing enough to see the sticks that it was trowing and realizing they were actually whole trees. To see it form was amazing in and of itself.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.