Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Ask the police to just cruise by and increase their presence in your area.
It works wonders.
That has been a common discussion with the other business owners on our block, as the crack problem must be stopped before a sizable consumer base is allowed to grow. There's no love loss with the drug dealers. It's the loiterers that I'm not sure about.
Originally Posted by liquidlight
I don't suppose that "dump them in the river for the betterment of society" is a plausible option? (yes I'm kidding, kinda)
You wouldn't be the first to recommend that.
Originally Posted by liquidlight
My inclination would be to come up with a possible change of venue for them, but it seems that they're drifting to begin with so I'm not so sure how well that would work out for you.
Very few places want illegal gambling. It'd be a lot easier if they just wanted to shoot hoops or something.
Originally Posted by liquidlight
Secondary to that, is putting them to work an option? Or maybe even just a couple of them? A decent job, if it's available, might engender some loyalty that could help dissuade any negative reaction.
I'm trying to get access to our funds available for intern positions, but there is a lot of red tape, and I have a strong suspicion I met people with priors this morning. That's a very good idea, though. I'll explore that further.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
Buy them lunch so that they can vadalize your place on a full stomach.
I don't think that they'd really be looking for retribution after an act of random kindness.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
I'd go with letting the police know that people are loitering in the vicinity of your building.
That doesn't really solve anything. We've had the police drive by. They disperse, then come right back. It's a bluff long since called.
Originally Posted by jorgelito
Will, it sounds like you are handling it well so far and with prudence.
Jorg always has a kind word. Thanks!
Originally Posted by jorgelito
Calling the cops would be good because at least you can get documentation and start a paper trail. If you can, start a neighbor hood watch (in pairs at least) to continue monitoring and continue a paper trail. If you document the comings and goings, you will at least have something to use to give the police or court if it came down to it. Also notifying the police is good to show that you are doing everything by the book.
A neighborhood watch is an excellent idea. I'd be a lot more comfortable if we could have groups of ten, though. I suppose police notification is starting to look like a must in this situation.
Originally Posted by jorgelito
I like your approach of firm but polite (friendly). I too, would be concerned about inviting backlash. Continue the "killing with kindness approach" and stay firm.
I also considered joining in the game, losing on purpose, and then letting them know that this isn't the appropriate place for that sort of things with a rapport already built.
Originally Posted by jorgelito
Another option is to install cameras to reinforce your neighborhood watch.
We installed the fake cameras (don't tell anyone!) and we put up gates which keep them out of the parking lot and courtyard.
Originally Posted by jorgelito
All these things taken together can be quite effective I think.
Presence is effective. The more neighbors that gather outdoors together, he more of a presence you will build and the unwelcome guests will leave naturally.
I don't think you should buy them lunch, that would be overkill.
What about hiring a security guard?
Good luck!
A security guard would be complicated. We cater to a lot of low income and even homeless people here, and the last thing we want to do is scare off the people we're here to help.
Thanks for the ideas!