Originally Posted by Crompsin
What do I know? I don't do drugs. When I wanna get high I jump out of planes.
Apples and oranges man. I've been using pot for just over a year now to control some health problems I have. It's really turned my life around, I actually started to gain weight and have more energy and has also helped me to come to terms with some things that happened to me in my youth. Now, I can see how it could definately come between some people. But it hasnt come between ,me and my significant other, in fact, the only time it is an issue is when I dont have it, I get cranky, not because of any addiction, because the symptoms I use it to control come back.
For a very long time I was very much against it, but i kept running into professional successful people who enjoyed it.
(wonders if people who are all pro-drugs are also pro-gun, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage, etc)
As for pro-gun, you know the answer. But honestly I can say I am in favor of all those things listed.
A friend of mine just got out of a relationship with an ex-smoker. Who demanded she stop smoking on the grounds that, "It took me so long to stop doing that" Thats when I think pot creates a problem. When one half was into it and stops for whatever reason and is simply jealous of the other halfs ability to indulge without creating a huge problem. It's not crack tho people, its just some green.