Originally Posted by willravel
I would have had an answer ready.
A system would need to be in place to prove that contraceptive were used and failed for a woman and man to be excused. If they were able to prove they used contraceptives and failed, they would be allowed to abort the child. If not attempt was made to be responsible, there would be legal repercussions. Women who would violate an hypothetical law banning abortion should be punished. Obviously she will birth the child, which she would be totally responsible for. Because it's clear that the woman isn't mature enough to procreate, her procreation rights would be removed for no less than 5 years. If she breaches those rules and becomes pregnant again, she has her tubes tied.
First of all, what kind of magical system would allow a couple to prove that they were using contraceptives? Should they be required to show recipts from birth control purchases, along with proof of intercourse using said birth control?
Under your system, would I be required by law to videotape every sexual encounter I have, prominently displaying a date-stamped proof of purchace of my condoms (or any other type of birth control) while I'm engaging in the act of baby-making as legal proof that we took every responsible measure to not create a fetus?
What would happen to the children born to people who are obviously unfit to become parents? Do you throw them into the oubliette of being Wards of the State? Is that any better than being born into a 'family' (whatever definition you give it) that wasn't expecting them?
And do you really think that making unprotected sex illegal for certain people will stop them from having babies? If anything, your system would increase the numbers of women abandoning babies in dumpsters a thousandfold.
I could go on and on poking holes in this plan, but the end result is that hundreds of thousands would suffer, millions of dollars would be wasted trying to monitor these unwanted pregnancies, and nothing would change.
Edit - Okay, maybe you don't really feel that way. But do you realize how futile the idea of making unprotected sex and having unwanted babies illegal is? Maybe if we loosen up on the ideas of contraception and sex education, the next generation might be a little more educated and responsible?