I disagree. I think it's wrong no matter which way you look at it.
Being a girl, it would bother me the same amount as her, maybe even more.
She said she feels insecure about this, and he's the cause of it.
Also, now that she knows what's been going on, what do you think she'll do if they're ever around those friends whom he had been thinking of?
It's a trust thing, he lost that part of her trust and it's going to take a very long time to recover from that. Those friends will probably never be looked upon the same despite their innocence in this matter. Things might even be awkward between them because of him.
He shouldn't of done it. Now she's going to be doubting herself or thinking the worst possible thoughts, which is terrible.
Just a crappy situation.
End of story.
Wish it wouldn't of happened to you honey.
Last edited by surferlove007; 07-29-2007 at 02:23 PM..