After watching "Prisoner of Azkaban" for the first time I remember thinking that it was really disjointed and it did leave a lot out of the books but after watching it again on DVD without having just read the book, it seemed to flow a lot better. Same for Goblet of Fire. Of course there were things in the books I wish would have been put in but it is really hard to take a 700 page book and put it into a 3 hour movie.
What I love about these movies is how the creators visualize everything. It was eerie watching the first 25 minutes of this newest movie and how closely it matched with the visual style I had in my head while reading the books. I figure that we have the books for all of the depth of history and back knowledge in them. We have the movies to see in 'real life' the cool things originally on the paper. Watching the knight bus scene from POA was awesome! Watching this movie with some of the scenes was cool to see the book translated to the page. Plus, as much as we can imagine the characters and how they sound and interact, it is nice to see it on screen.
"Mommy, the presidents are squishing me!"
"Using the pull out method of contraceptive is like saying I won't use a seat belt, I'll just jump out of the car before it hits that tree."