When I am on a plane or in a restaurant or anywhere else where I am paying to be there, I expect not to have a child ruining my time. I know this is not the child's fault, but I still shouldn't have to put up with it. A lot of kids would behave in the situation and the ones that can't should not be allowed to ruin the flight (or meal etc) of other paying patrons. I like kids, don't really want any of my own at this point, but I do expect that parents should be in control (not in an evil mean way) of their kids. I wouldn't have gotten away with that stuff as a kid, and if I were to be acting like that and not behaving I would be removed from the situation (by my parents). I do agree that in a lot of ways society has become overly sensitive towards children. I hate parents that because parenting is so much work (which it is and I respect beyond what I can express) everyone else owes them something. There is a reason I don't have children. When I do, that is what I will devote my life to in every way and I'm at this point not willing to do that. I'm off on a tangent here, but I don't think it's such a big deal that they were asked to get off the plane. It is great when people have kids, but it should be respected that they should not be imposed on other people.
I like things. And stuff. But I prefer to have things over stuff.