My fiance and I both came out of the theater feeling mostly disappointed. It had some really cool visuals (Dumbledore's escape, Fred and George's exit) but there was SO MUCH not there and what was there felt disjointed and rushed. I feel like they put in just enough to get everyone from point A to point B without caring if it was much fun to get there. It was sometimes and it wasn't other times. Also, they spent WAY too much time with Filch nailing up edicts. We got the point the first three or four times; we don't need to see him do it ten or twelve. The characters were so slightly developed because there were so many of them and so many things going on. Luna was a shadow of herself. She seemed to just be an awkward girl who said awkward things and there really wasn't an opportunity to get close to her and appreciate her.
Essentially the problem is that on some level they're still trying to keep the HP series geared towards kids as much as possible. This was about as light a PG-13 movie as I've seen in YEARS and I think the only thing that bumped it up was the attack on Arthur Weasley, since that was pretty graphic. That's why a three hour movie is bad. For it to be as long as it was is surprising, but kids just don't have attention spans long enough to get them through three hours, even if it's HP. And, while Order is my favorite book, I found myself looking at my watch a few times throughout the movie.
I gues I'll stop rambling and say that if you want to read what I think about this movie, read Ebert's review. That's pretty much exactly how I feel about it.