Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
Im curious as to what mothers do when something happens like what happened to me. I had no chance for an epi, I tore and I tore pretty good. That of course needs to be stitched. How is that handled in a "home" birth?
Super glue or complete bed rest, letting it heal on its own. FYI, it is very rare for a natural birthing mom who is listening to her body while she pushes, and is in an upright position to have more than a second degree tear.
The chat rooms and forums on freebirth have information out the wazoo on how to prevent perineal damage. And if it happens, how to heal it without stitches. One friend used super glue, which is popular in some midwifery circles. But most freebirthers claim to have no perineal damage.
The thinking goes that if anyone but a womans lover gets in between her legs she tenses up and this contracting of the tissue contributes to tearing.
I'm sorry you tore, I did with my first baby, just first degree, but he stitched me up somthing fierce and it was no fun healing.