Problem with a desicion for my job.
I work for a very large import/exporting company presently.
Recently I was offered a position of an increase in base pay of about $17,000 a year. With the overtime people in this position get, it would be in the neighborhood of about $25,000 to $28,000 a year.
The reason I say this, is because right now, I work 4 10's, and the job I'm currently at, I make a good living. But it's not something I want to do forever, actually not a minute longer. But, the job is brainless sometimes, I work my 40 hours a week with my 3 days off, and spend as much time with my wife and little boy as I choose to. I love that time together. Nothing is more important to me then time with my son.
It sounds like an easy choice, but I work 5 days a week now, and put in probably 45-50 hours a week. I really am having a hard time taking it because it's 5 days, and it's less time with my family. I'm worried about not being able to be there when my son plays a football game. Or, missing anything in his life that is important to him. Currently, I would miss nothing. If I took his position, that chance becomes much greater.
But, with this increase, we can both retire earlier, we can both live better, with more money and less focus on finances. We live good now, but we could buy that new home sooner then the 3 years from now we're planning. My son would be able to have a bigger room, or bigger backyard, perhaps a better school, or whatever it may be. We could enjoy our lives a lot more.
Maybe it sounds selfish, but I want my time with my boy. The work doesn't bother me. Missing anything in my sons life does. But, it may be worth missing a few things to allow us to live differently, and with less stress on our marriage and live healthier as a family.