Originally Posted by abaya
What, you think guys don't say this stuff? Cruise your local high school hallways and see which gender is saying this more often.
You are implying only immature ppl say this? Why can't mature ppl say it (wiht some understanding that it is for the present...)
Originally Posted by abaya
How old are the women you are hearing this from, btw? 
Originally Posted by abaya
And yeah, the day-by-day stuff is the ONLY way, if you ask me. Cyn is right on the money. Here I am, after 3+ years with the same person, and I still have to remind myself that yeah, we did get married, and yeah, we did move to a foreign country together... jeez, when did that all happen??  It all goes by in a blur, if you're with the right person at the right time. One day at a time.
Originally Posted by cyn
Yes, because one cannot account for illness, death, trauma, drama, etc. that life throws in. Those are words for today. I see that as why it is important to understand even in marriage since people get divorced.
So you both are saying that the immature girls/guys who say this are so lovestruck that they really believe it, while the mature girls/guys who say this know whats going on but say it anyways? I think I am overanalyzing it.. should it just be translated to "I LOVE YOU ALOT ALOT ALOT +++ "