The Violence Prevention Center published a report in 2001, "Where Did They Get Their Guns" that describes`the firearms used in high-profile shootings from 1963 (starting with the Kennedy assassination) to 2001 and if the firearms were legally purchased.
Legally purchased AK47s were used on several occasions, most notably the shooting at the CIA headquarters in 1993, among others:
Date: January 25, 1993
Location: Outside Central Intelligence Agency Headquarters, Langley, Virginia
Alleged Shooter: Mir Aimal Kansi
People Killed: Two
People Injured: Three
Firearm(s): Chinese-made AK-47 assault rifle
Kansi, a 28-year-old Pakistani living in Virginia, opened fire on cars waiting to enter the grounds of Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia. He killed two people, both employees of the agency, and wounded three others. He then fled to Pakistan, where he was captured in 1997.
How Firearm(s) Acquired
Kansi legally purchased the gun from David Condon Inc., a dealer in Chantilly, Virginia just three days before the shooting. He produced identification to prove his Virginia residency and passed a Virginia State Police computerized background check.
More, including full report: