Originally Posted by essendoubleop
PS, I capitalized United States because I have no desire of flying internationally, as I'm well aware that it's a whole other ballgame security-wise when flying elsewhere. That's a different topic and has a different set of statistics.
That depends on where you fly outside the US. I've seen better aiport security outside the US with less hassle. Frankfurt am Main International Airport in Germany in my experience has the best airport security outside of Isreal. Yet in all the times I've been in and out of that airport, I've never had a hassle with security. Granted I have been pulled aside by the German police there and thoroughly questioned because of something in my passport, but even then, they were respectful, I answered their questions honestly and after a brief precautionary hand search of my bags (in which everything was kept in its neatly packed order), the matter was settled and I made it to my flight with plenty of time to spare. And they were also upfront with me that if it were up to them, they wouldn't have seen a need to question and search me, but they were forced to because I was on a flight bound for the US.
The only thing I have a gripe with about US airport security is that you have to remove your shoes. That's BS. That was just a kneejerk reaction to one idiot trying to set off plastic explosives by setting his feet on fire and so now we must irradiate our shoes with the x-ray machine everytime we fly. Yet were also not allowed to bring matches or lighters on a plane anyways.