Originally Posted by dc_dux
Will....Israel, as a state, is surrounded by other states whose goals are to drive Israel into the sea.
As of late 2006, at least 4,098 Palestinians and 1,021 Israelis have been killed since September 29, 2000. for every one Israeli killed, there has been over 4 Palestinians killed. I'm not sure how 'being surrounded by states whose goals are to drive Israel into the sea" explains that.
Originally Posted by dc_dux
Those nations attempted to do so on numerous occasions through conventional warfare and the Israelis defeated them each time.
When, recently, has one of these surrounding nations invaded Israel? Now, when, recently, has Israel invaded one of these surrounding countries?
Israel is in no danger from any of those nations. They have one of the most powerful militaries IN THE WORLD, and easily the most powerful military in the region even when compared to the other militaries in the region combined. They have this because the US and UK have chosen to arm them to the teeth for absolutely no reason. And I dare you to tell me it's because they'd be invaded because they just invaded Lebanon and the US didn't do shit to help them.
Originally Posted by dc_dux
I dont condone Israel's excesses in their own defense.
Then what are we arguing about?
Originally Posted by dc_dux
Your suggested that the Israelis are capable of being as fanatical is without foundation, IMO.
The invasion of Lebanon was inexcusable. It was fanatical. The wall is fanatical. The bulldozings are fanatical. Their racism is fanatical.
Originally Posted by Xazy
Watch some pollywood videos http://www.seconddraft.org/movies.php and see how easy the media is manipulated. There are numerous allegations of deaths that later turn out to be fake. It is amazing how the media seems to dance there to one tune, and I will take my leave on this since to me it is hard to have a discussion and I can admit it. But it is very personal to me, and gets me upset the stuff that goes on there.
It's a good thing I've already debunked those in another thread.