Originally Posted by loquitur
Lots. Usually after massacres of Jews.
And that's the problem with the typical western viewpoint of this conflict. It's not anywhere near that simple. First off, that massacre of Jews you mention was because Israel bombed an entire neighborhood of Palestinians because they suspected that one dangerous person may have been in one of the buildings. This isn't a situation where Palestine attacks first without provocation, then Israel has a measured response. Israel has made the West Bank into a prison with their illegal walls. They bulldoze Palestinian houses as they build Israeli homes...slowly shrinking what's left of Palestinian land. They shoot people at stopping points for absolutely no reason. They bomb indiscriminately. And if you're going to sit there and say that the Palestinians do it just as much, which many people will argue, that's just plain wrong. Look at the statistics. Compare total Israeli deaths to Palestinian deaths. Compare Israeli displacement with Palestinian displacement. This is a one sided fight. And being able to see the truth doesn't make me an 'anti-semite' or any such nonsense. It makes me a realist. The problem is that there are so many anti-Palestinian viewpoints out there, a realistic take on the situation looks relatively anti-jewish. I hope that the people who live in Israel can find peace. They won't find peace by destroying Palestine.
Originally Posted by loquitur
Question for you, though: how many Palis were getting killed by Jews when the Palis weren't launching attacks against Jews? The answer is, pretty damn few.
And fortunately for both of us, you are able to cite material that supports that viewpoint, right?