Originally Posted by loquitur
roachboy, the prospect of dead jews seems not to move you at all. There's ample precedent for what happens when Palis get near Jews who aren't armed. This seems not to trouble you. Why is that?
I do expect Roachboy you to consider my comments and have thoughts on the other side rather then one report. You have to consider all that Hamas as an entity has done since coming in to power. Including suicide bombs, attempted bombs, thousands of rockets (over 450 in the past few months). Also the embezzlement of funds for terrorist use from the PA. You also can look to Fatah for similiar under Arafat, and a little under Abbas.
And as Loquitur so bluntly put, that is very accurate. A friend of mine visiting Israel from NYC, just walking down the street Rachov Shmuel hanovi (just a road in Jerusalem) was stabbed in the chest by a Palistenian. He was unarmed he was just an American tourist.
Also let us as well consider that at least a hundred American civilians that were killed / injured by Palestenians. Until tomorrow.