Holy shit. We kinda think less of those who bring their spouses (oh, he's just here to give me a ride bullshit), let alone PARENTS. If he's here to give you a ride, he shouldn't wait in our waiting room... making you look incompetent. Also, of course you're going to talk over a job offer with your family, but we don't need to know that. Don't tell me you need to talk to your husband, or your mom. Just do it, and say you need a day or two to consider the offer.
Of course... if you interviewed with us, don't you already know if you want this job? Don't most people know after an interview if this is going to work for them? *sigh*
Children. Helpless fucking "adult" children.
And don't get me started on those bringing their CHILDREN to the interview. *siiiiiiigh*
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.