Originally Posted by dksuddeth
why should a black man get better protection from the law than me?
If a black guy killed you because you were white, you'd get the same protection.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
wow, an absolutist argument from you?
I was arguing against absolutism. I think there are different types of crimes and a hate crime is just one type of crime that happens to be worse than some others. I'd hardly call that absolutist.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Did you really just say that? Do you believe that?
Why don't you ask an African kidnapped from his home, sailed across the ocean and forced into slavery? Or maybe you can tell that to a 12 year old girl in Thailand who's been forced into prostitution. One of the many roads to tyranny is the mistreatment or demonization of a group of people. A great example would be how Hitler used hatred of the Jews or Stalin and the Ukranians (if I remember my history, I'm a bit rusty on Stalin).
I know you believe that the road to tyrrany is gun control or gun bans, but you can't think that's the
only way to get there. There's no way you're that pertinacious.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
And for the record, Fred Thompson is most certainly against gun control.
Yes, I covered that in post #10.