Originally Posted by pan6467
Here is the full "law" signed by ...... well.... what ever you want to call him, I personally after this refuse to call him my President.
So let me get this straight... el presidente can now have a little tissy fit freak out and take over all power levels of government under his sole discretion? Let's see what Webster has to say:
1 a : a person granted absolute emergency power; especially : one appointed by the senate of ancient Rome b : one holding complete autocratic control c : one ruling absolutely and often oppressively
See: Hitler, Mussolini, Caesar, Stalin, Tse-Tung, Kai-shek, Lenin, Pol Pot, Hideki, Khan, Tito, Ceausescu....
...anyone disagree that that this is now a possibility....unless this "presidential directive" is successfully challenged?
Sen. Leahy is.....at least...... trying to roll back <a href="http://kutv.com/topstories/local_story_145124155.html">"birdshit cuff's"</a> new "authority", described in this thread's post #2:
Title: A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to revive previous authority on the use of the Armed Forces and the militia to address interference with State or Federal law, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [VT] (introduced 2/7/2007) Cosponsors (10)
Related Bills: H.R.869
Latest Major Action: 4/24/2007 Senate committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings held.
Vietnam, Watergate, and the 9/11 attacks are beginning to seem trivial, compared to this lonnnnnggggggg thug infestation, in the executive branch, and in the congressional minority.......