First off, I rarely trust someone who smirks at the frequency that Bush does. They usually think they are much smarter than they are, and they are usually so falsely confidence, covering for inadequacy and low self esteem, that they are unable to have the maturity to admit wrong doing. I think that happens to hit Bush on the nose. The question to ask would be:
Is George W. Bush:
a) Foolhardy and corrupt, unable to leave Iraq because he still sees it with dollar signs in his eyes.
b) Foolhardy and stubborn, unable to leave Iraq because he's dug his feet into the ground and is throwing a tantrum.
c) Is easily the most stupid world leader in history, and is acting like a man child who cannot pull himself together enough to think his way out of this. He's overwhelmed.
d) He's easily controlled by Cheney, Rummy, and the other members of the PNAC, and is more of an instrument or tool than a human being.