Originally Posted by james t kirk
Ok, I'll bite, how do you know.....
I think this is my craziest single guy story ever...LOL. So I'm in A-dam on business and realize that "hey! I'm single, it's my birthday, and I'm in a good place to do this!"
so I head straight for the red light district and wander the alleys with the nice ladies in the nice windows, stop in to a pub here and there, and just generally tourist it up. That's when I saw this theatre with "live sex" on the banner and went in.
OK, way cool! They had I think 3 different couples come on in different themes, and go at it. None of the guys came though..just several pumps and onto the next act. So ends the "watching other people have sex" part of the story...
That's when the audience participation event started up. This dominatrix chick picks ME of all people (I looked safe? no clue...) and takes me on stage, and proceeds to whip me, lead me around on a collar, all kinds of stuff. Then it really goes goofy - she installs a big black strap-on TO MY FOREHEAD and proceeds to fuck me with it! Yes, I am forehead-fucking a stranger in a different continent.
I went for more beer after that one.... LOL