No, dksuddeth.... I am not endorsing Obama. If today was primary election day, I would probably vote for John Edwards, although I think Obama's chances of being the democratic nominee are greater than Edwards are.
I've spent time in the area where Edwards comes from....the north western South Carolina hill country. It's an area that is the home of Bob Jones U., and it used to be a center of textile and other light manufacturing. That has been replaced by recent recruitment of more centralized job providers, a BMW assembly plant, for example.
South Carolina is one of the 5 poorest states, and I think that even though Edwards has come a long way away from where he grew up, there is enough of his roots still in him to make him seem real to me.
If I had to vote for a republican, I am most impressed with some of Ron Paul's positions, with the exception of his libertarian opinions. Overall, I view Paul to be too extreme to ever be a serious contender, but I don't expect him to deliver a secret speech at a meeting of CNP for their endorsement, and he seems to be the only real personality in the republican field.
In 1992, Bill Clinton seemed "real" to Jimmy Carter did. Hillary seems too contrived, as does Obama. I'd vote for Gore if he decided to run.
I'm turned off most by candidates and politicians who ignore economic reality, and who respond to the best interests of the moneyed ten percent and the corporations that they invest in, at the expense of the rest of us.
I cannot vote for politicians who pander to segregationist sentiments while feigning that they are not aware that they are doing that.