Didn't anyone here take driving lessons? If someone is tailgating you, let them pass when it's safe to do so. If it's not safe to do so, open up a larger gap between you and the guy in front so you have a bit more wiggle room in case something shitty happens. Hitting or tapping your brakes or down shifting so they almost hit you has to be the dumbest things you could do. You'll be one of two cars flying off the road at 60 MPH if he hits you. Slowing down will piss the guy off (it may be fun) and isn't going to do any good either. Let the idiot pass.
If you're in the fast lane impeding the flow of traffic (no matter how fast the limit) you should move to the right lane when safe and let others pass you. Fools passing on the right and weaving through traffic are a result of idiots staying in the fast lane for the most part.
nice line eh?