Originally Posted by thingstodo
Who wants to force an accident and tie up the time to deal with that and the resulting repairs? And even if it was proven that you hit your brakes intentionally, the person that hit you from behind is always at fault.
Read dirtyrascal7's post. Apparently there are people who do.
And I have been told point blank by a CHP officer (laws may vary state-to-state) that not all rear-enders are automatically the fault of the person who hits from behind. Each and every collision is unique, and fault must be determined. Sure, the overwhelming majority of rear enders ARE the fault of the person hitting, but there are rare instances where it can be proven that the person in front was at fault. And in all likelyhood dirtyrascal7's friend would be proven at fault if there was a witness in another lane that would testify to the fact that there was no reason to have hit the brakes.