Tail Gaters
going to the store... asshole gurl with a cell stuck to her head behind me... car two up from me taking a left... i slow down... right on my ass she looks up... OH SHIT!!! this way - that way and off into the pucker brushes she goes...
i thought she was gonna be in my back seat
woulda been fine if she was better looking
and THAT was what i told the sheriff
i hate them, could kill them, i will stop and block traffic and ask, "how ya feel now that you've really pissed me off?"
one morning before i've had my coffee, coming into work, a truck was on my ass so close i couldn't see his headlights, (and don't give me shit about keeping up with the speed limit - i was 10 over), i hit the binders, got out and challenged the turd, he puts it in reverse and slams the car behind him
if you're driving, get the fookin' phone outa yer head!!!
one lady from north carolina was driving in front of me one day and was taking pic's out of her window of the local homes for sale - GEEZUS - skool just got out and she's in control of a camera while driving???
just another "piss me the fuck off"
no turn left unstoned...