Originally Posted by katyg
i've just been reading in the paper that the boy who killed all those poor kids at virginia tech was told things like ' go back to china' when he spoke in class. i just find that unbelievable, i am not saying he was just in what he did, not at all, but what kind of society are we living in when kids growing up, kids that should be more tolerant, more open minded (supposedly) than their parents generation are still taunting this way? i'm sickened by all of it, the killings and the abuse. no one deserves that, an ex boyfriend of mind was regularly beaten at school for simply being the only chinese kid.
do we live in a more tolerant society or is it all a lie?
This stuff DOES happen, but if it were really the driving force behind Cho's rage, he would've mentioned it.
Do you know what angers me the most? Americans treat everybody like crap who is a minority, but Americans are also the most traveling of students in the world. What? So they expect to treat people with xenophobia and contempt, but then be welcomed with arms wide open in foreign lands? Sad to say, they actually are welcomed quite hospitably, despite.
I'm American, but I'm a minority American, and I have never seen imrovements in society. Instead, the government has paid the media to say that things are better, and paint that picture, and have Martin Luther King Day and other such type observances, so that when someone DOES complain of racism and being treated like crap, people simply accuse them of being arbitrary and "playing the race card," and no action is taken.