Year Zero is worse than With Teeth? Damn. That's hard to swallow. Can I ask "why?" Critically, what's wrong with it? I mean, I guess people can get turned off by the (pseudo?) political 1984 bent to it... but I have to ask: can you point me to an album that successfully does what Year Zero is trying? I understand what he's saying isn't original in a universal sense, but it's at least an original way of presenting it (with a music album). I know some people don't go to music for those sorts of things, and that's fine... but I get a kick out of it.
Have I succumb to fanboism? *shrug*... didn't like With Teeth, and I didn't really know anything about the "alternate reality game" until after i downloaded the album, and thought it was great, so i figured i should poke around those web sites. i knew the marketing campaign existed only because I saw the stories posted on Digg. I was by no means following it or into it.
Well, to each their own. I suggest NIN fans (and others) check the album out and decide for themselves.
Greetings and salutations.