Originally Posted by Halx
After that piece of absolute steaming shit called With Teeth, I'm skeptical.
I find myself in agreement with Halx. With Teeth was garbage -- especially when compared to any of Reznor's previous work.
Unfortunately, Year Zero is worse. It is so bad that a Reznor (or whoever is mismanaging his money now) had to come up with a "brilliant" marketing scheme to attempt to cover over the low quality music with an "alternate reality game." In other words, an eye-roll-inducing "story" which is played out with poor lyrics voiced with tired vocals on top of sub-par instrumentals. Oh, don't forget the pretty looking websites with cute little messages. What that has to do with a MUSICAL ALBUM, I have no fucking idea.
If you were a fan of Reznor/NIN but have yet to completely succumb to fanboihood, participate in MY "alternate reality game" and pretend that Reznor died in rehab and was replaced with a look-alike.