I refuse to click. Why would I click on this thread even?... well, because I enjoy giving my opinion, and my opinion is that clicking on these pages is frickin' disgusting. Just plain wrong. It's voyeurism to the nth degree, and I can't believe people are doing this.
Here is the short introduction indicating why someone is doing this:
I am doing this in good taste. I hope it doesn’t offend anyone. The reason behind this is that it’s one thing to hear a list of names on TV, or read them online, but if you take a second to view a bit of the persons personal life it will give you a deeper understanding of that person.
It will help give you a greater understanding of how terrible a tragedy this is. It will help some to realized that the deceased are real people, not just names on a screen. Real people that had real lives, real hopes, and real dreams…. just like you and me.
I think thats a decent reason for someone to put this collection together, and makes it a bit less despicable than what i first thought when i saw the link.