Originally Posted by Tamerlain
I had to check my jug of orange juice in the fridge to confirm that. It never occurred to me that orange juice would have more calories per 250mL than the Dr. Pepper I'm drinking (which has 100 calories per 250mL).
I'm shocked.
Yes, but let's keep things in perspective here:
Orange juice:
Potassium = 473 mg
Vitamin C = 97 mg
Dr. Pepper:
Potassium = 4 mg
Vitamin C = 0 mg
Also consider this:
The glycemic load per gram of fructose is only 19, while that of table sugar is 65. The calories in Dr. Pepper are from High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), which has a similar GI value to table sugar.
Orange juice = fructose (burns more slowly)
Dr. Pepper = HFCS (burns more quickly i.e. more likely to be turned into fat)
Technically, orange juice makes an excellent pre-workout beverage. Dr. Pepper? Empty calories.