Originally Posted by confuzed
I know, but part of me still feels bad. There have been times that I've stopped when I could feel her shaking or her her trying to stiffle crying. If I could take her pain away I would!
Confuzed...Something is definitely not kosher in Denmark. Perhap...you should back off a bit...and take a long, long look at the havoc this is causing YOU emotionally...to say nothing of what it is doing to you physically (you know...that ache that ends to make a man quite uncomfortable and irritable at times).
Stop the self-flagellation...eschew those 'mea culpas'. You sought happiness and joy...and got lies, excuses...and a barbed-wire cluster on your purple shaft.
There is a remedy for incompatibility. Avail yourself of it before you wind up hating her guts.
Life is just too short to spend it walking around suffering the stress of an unrelieved erection.
Originally Posted by confuzed
I know, but part of me still feels bad. There have been times that I've stopped when I could feel her shaking or her her trying to stiffle crying. If I could take her pain away I would!
Confuzed...Something is definitely not kosher in Denmark. Perhap...you should back off a bit...and take a long, long look at the havoc this is causing YOU emotionally...to say nothing of what it is doing to you physically (you know...that ache that ends to make a man quite uncomfortable and irritable at times).
Stop the self-flagellation...eschew those 'mea culpas'. You sought happiness and joy...and got lies, excuses...and a barbed-wire cluster on your purple shaft.
There is a remedy for incompatibility. Avail yourself of it before you wind up hating her guts.
Life is just too short to spend it walking around suffering the stress of an unrelieved erection.