Feeling deep, or inspired...I guess
I saw a shrivelled balloon daning from a branch tonight
It looked lonely, abandoned
Sometimes, I think of myself as a balloon
Grasped tightly within the grip of convention
of my parents
of norms
and of society at large
wanting only to get free from the grip and soar
The funny thing about getting what you want though
is that sometimes you wind up wanting what you lost
I see myself dangling in a tree
caught up in the netted-obstacles life throws at you
I think we might all be balloons
Flying freely through the open skies until we get caught up
dragged down by the pettiness of life
and then slowly, like a balloon losing air
we begin to deflate
we may be able to appear full and close to bursting
on the outside
but we all wind up slowly losing our air
our drive
our spirit, maybe
until we lost it all and become shrivelled
shadows of our former selfs
It might be a cynical way of looking at things
You know, the whole "glass half-empty" kind of thing
but, the reality of reality
is that it can be harsh
but, as cliche' as it might sound
there is always an up side to the bad
you know, the whole "silver lining" kind of thing
and that is
that looking at the bad makes us also look at the good
one can't survive with out the other
the whole light and dark, good and bad
you know, the whole "ying and yang" thing
so you might be wondering,
whats the good thing about being a balloon?
I'll tell you
the good thing about being a balloon, as we all are apparently
is that no matter how deflated we become
or how torn or hole-worn we are
we can always be filled up with air
with drive
with spirit, even
again, even if it's only for a second and then escapes again
we are a resiliant bunch
us balloons
We're nothing like God. Not only do we have limited powers, but sometimes we're driven to become the devil himself.