Originally Posted by matthew330
"so your not calling people who did not agree with the war pussies, you just think they are pussies, then you tell them you think they are pussies... the difference escapes me."
Can liberals stop being offended for two seconds. I think you get the point, you'd just rather be offended.
BTW - nice use of the hide tag Host. Way to let this guy walk all over you Halx. (and yes - I meant to post this one)
'330....here's how I would "do it".....
'host, your argument is flawed because your sources do not stand up to a close examination.....Ben Ferencz may have been a brilliant prosecutor at Nurmeberg, but in recent years he has made statements (matthew330 posts supporting examples from reputable sources.....), that reveal him to be a senile old man. The excerpts from the sCOTUS ruling in Hamdan that you posted, referring to violations of Geneva conventions, were taken out of context, distorted to mislead......etc....etc...."
......but you didn't do that, in response to my post, did you, matthew330? No political discussion will take place on this forum, as long as some "posture" as if they are participating in a substantive discussion, but are actually attempting to denigrate and disrupt those who post what they think, and why they think it.