Originally Posted by filtherton
It seems a bit ironic to me that whenever this issue pops up no one ever mentions the cultural institutions or holidays that involve nonminority cultures, like st. patricks's day or octoberfest.
Why would these be brought up? Afaik these celebrations are Irish and German in descent, I don't see white people being discriminated against in the same fashion as we're speaking of. The celebrations don't highlight the difference between people, nevermind doing it for no good reason.
Originally Posted by filtherton
It seems like a natural extension of the OP would be to suggest that the celebration of hannukah perpetuates anti-semitism because it highlights differences between the minority jewish culture and the majority christian culture in america.
I guess i would like ask mr. doublenaught which sorts of cultural differentiation are acceptable and which aren't and why.
Oh! Wow, a
very clever change of my name. I'm simply taken aback by your wit. I'll go ahead and take a breath and try to match your wit: L2read. Respond intelligently and I'll do likewise, if you'd like to flame you better be prepared. You know... by reading and understanding the material... perhaps *GASP* asking questions before firing away. Just a thought!