Originally Posted by Atropos4
My dogs get science diet and sometimes lick dinner plates haha
Cleo is actually on purina OM at the moment to bring her down to a healthier weight. It works great!
My cats is another story. Raven has fatty liver disease so to make things easier all 4 of our cat's ate L/D science diet for two or three years. Raven's bloodlevels changed and we had to switch foods to try to lower it. Worked but then Iris became allergic to that particular food. Now they are all on Science diet sensitive stomach. I'm actually going through a bit of a rough time with these two right now. Both became ill this last week at the same time. Raven is back under control we believe. (stressed caused) Hopefully she's here for many more years. She almost died a while back and they gave her 3 years. I believe it's been four years now.
Iris they believe has inflammatory bowel disease. She flares up when she eats things that don't agree with her. (She eats anything she can get her fluffy paws on) The latest culprit was Victor's dog food.
We have tried cooking various things for them and it's hit and miss. Artemis refuses to eat anything that isn't her normal science diet food. After having Raven come down with liver disease from starving herself, I will not let another cat do the same.
Sometimes ( a lot of times) cats won't touch real food - i.e. fish, poultry, etc. They simply have been conditioned to eat the dry crud.
How you do it is to slowly turn them round.
Feed them their usual bowl of crud, but mix in just a bit of chicken. As time goes on, you increase the real food and decrease the crud until eventually they are eating (and used to) real food.