Originally posted by meanSpleen
Maven... He has done NOTHING in the WWE except give a few sub-average matches. Nothing interesting. Nothing innovative. Nothing that makes him stand out from anyone else.
Hey... he did get boinked by Torrie in a hospital bed. I think I could handle it. And he has a kick ass dropkick.
Smackdown comments:
1. The Torrie/Sable thing is growing increasingly interesting and is causing my penis to grow increasingly larger. Instead of worrying about throwing water on Tazz all the time, she should enlist in the services of a garden hose or Super Soaker and give Torrie a piece of her mind.
2. Basham Bros vs. Rikishi/Spanky.... fun to watch. Kendrick shows some potential. Loved the Stinkface as always.
3. The Taker/Brock vs. FBI/Big Show match was unexpected. I would've loved to watch them kick the shit out of those chin flippin, palm slappin, cheap cigar toting dorks.
4. Steph has caught my eye of late. She gets my vote for next chick to be in Playboy.