Originally Posted by dc_dux
You're right. Conservatives want to force us to live under a literal interpretation of their Christian bible combined with their strict and narrow interpretation of the Constitution.
On a serous note, that is probably the most baseless mischaracterization of liberalism/conservatisim I have ever seen.
Sorry you wont stay around to debate it. But, from my experience, that has been your practice...."hit and run" before your arguments can be challenged.
In any case, from one 40something to another, I wish you well in getting on with your life.
Hit and run? You know I covered this in my original long post.
There are about 15 liberals to one conservative that posts, I'm not going to respond to everyone who thinks they have a point.
I won't bother with the rest, as I said, there is no point, if you can't see it yet in your 40's so be it, you might be one of those who never does.
Here is your test. I'd be pretty happy under a Libertarian government, would you be?