Well, he gave me a scare this morning. He has been really active and eating well (4AM kitty rodeo with his brother). This morning he ate, drank, pooped and then threw up. More than once. First time was just water, then three times with the mucous-y foam. This is what he did when he was first sick. I got him to the vet as soon as they opened, and they took a blood test. His blood was the best it's been since he got sick, BUN was 16, two weeks ago it was 37. Cr was 2.4, 1 full point below two weeks ago. What a relief!
We think it was a bit of hair, or just overdiong things a bit. I brought him home, gave him some meds, and lots o' love. He was acitve, eating and then he slept, just like normal. Tonight he's as normal as can be. Still monitoring...
Thanks for the support. I give him rubs and let him know you care!
The difference between theory and reality is that in theory there is no difference.
"God made man, but he used the monkey to do it." DEVO