ace: your assessment of cowboy george is really something. "balls" you say. is that a technical term?
No, it is symbolic of a person having convictions and standing by them in the face of adversity. I use the term because I get a kick out of the way some liberals respond to it. I am guilty of that.
where you see evidence of "balls" i see evidence of a kind of myopia.
I agree. And I have stated that several times in several ways. The only thing that will snap Bush out of his myopia on Iraq is if something forces him to. That is why I say Congress has "no balls". Because they say one thing but won't act in a meaningful way.
where you see righteousness, i see an almost irrational inability to admit error, to change course.
Again, I have stated several times, I think we should leave Iraq now, because our presence has no support. My view changed after it was made clear what the American people want during the Congressional elections.
Bush is not going to change course voluntarily. I know it, you know it, Congress knows it.
where you see achievements in iraq, i see fiasco--this one is easy peasy, however, in that yours is at the very best a selective reading--selective to the point of arbitrariness--but whatever, i am not interested in going through this particular debate again.
Let's play fair - and look at my response in context. The issue is what Bush said would happen compared to what actually happened. Also, we have to acknowledge a change in Iraq when the insurgency went from a minor to a major issue. I simply give credit when it is due, and blame when it is due also. Bush clearly let the insurgency get out of control. He should have acted sooner with more force.
all i'll say is that you have at best a tenuous connection to reality in your interpretations of the actions of the bush squad.
if any of what you are saying had weight, i doubt seriously that any of the shifts outlined in the articles that i put together would be happening.
And in your analysis you still have not taken into consideration why Iran Syria and NK would want to sit down with the Bush administration when he has no support from his own country, the UN, Russia, China, and now with england removing troops from Iraq.