Originally Posted by Yakk
So we get people with a seriously whacked up and error prone feelings about the relative risks of traffic accidents and terrorist attacks to the security of one's nation.
I understand the relative risk of being the victim of a terrorist attack and being in a car accident. And I would not describe my position as "whacked up". My position is clear when it comes to risk and I know this seems odd but - I place more value on my freedom than on my life. Terrorists are interested in controlling people through the threat of terrorist acts. I can not accept being controlled by terrorists. Like I said I am a control freak. Perhaps people who are not control freaks don't care, but I do.
Originally Posted by roachboy
that's nice, ace.
but you didnt answer the question.
could you please?
ah--i see you were doing what i do and editing the post as i was responding.
ok: your response seems to confirm what i am arguing: it repeats the thatcherite logic--read what you said and maybe you'll see it. i asked you how you would go about moving from the anecdotal (i see person x, person x is hungry) to a system-level explanation for hunger in the states. you dont do it. you could: but you chose not to. so i'm asking you again.
I don't think I understand the question. But here is a shot at an answer.
Hunger is measured on an individual level. Macro-level statistics are abstract. If hunger is a problem we can not understand it on a statisical level, we need to dig into the problem, community by community, houshold by houshold, person by person. Me being one individual, I can only address the issue based on what I see around me, or what I search for. At one point I was very motivated to get involved with the issue, however based on my experience I decided there were bigger issues more worthy of my time and resources. If hunger is a problem in this country, I am interested in getting back into the issue, because hunger is a "base" issue that has to be addressed before other issues like education, healthcare, employment, etc.