Thanks for your good wishes, I am confident we are headed in the right direction. Capt Kirk, before there was a Tilted Pets forum I contributed several links several times to sites dedicated to feeding a natural diet to pets. My cats have been eating fresh food like chicken and fish for a couple of years, and as you have pointed out in your threads on the subject, they have been much healthier because of it. Sometimes chicken breasts can have higher levels of phosphorous, and the fish can contain mercury and other environmental poisons, but overall I think it is a lot better than commercial food. For now he is getting special food that is formulated for CRF, low protien, phosphorous, etc. Until he is stable and and at a good level for a few months, it is going to be the course I take. Unfortunately, living in a foriegn country with some language barriers doesn't allow me to research the food here as much as I would like. At any rate, I hope to have him back on a natural diet as soon as I can.
The difference between theory and reality is that in theory there is no difference.
"God made man, but he used the monkey to do it." DEVO