Uber, reading the articles, particularly the last one, really does answer your question. Because we don't have public financing of elections, both parties must raise funds in one way or another and there are laws in place concerning how this can be done. The author of this particular opinion piece was attempting to raise flags of alarm over a legal practice.
The illegal activities uncovered in the 109th congress weren't just a bit "unseemly." Money laundering through charitable fronts to circumvent campaign finance laws, or receiving a yacht in exchange for favorable legislation are a far cry from hosting a fund raising luncheon.
Individual members of bother parties are capable of being corrupted, particularly so of the majority party. I'm counting on Sloan and other watch dog groups to keep the Dems honest.
As an aside, does anyone know why Jefferson, with $90K in his freezer, has yet to charged for what looks to be an obvious bribe? Something's not right with that one, imo.
"You can't ignore politics, no matter how much you'd like to." Molly Ivins - 1944-2007