Originally Posted by dirtyrascal7
I don't know how old you are, jusolson00... but if the pictures you have of her were taken when she was younger than 18, you will probably want to delete them just so you won't be convicted of having child pornography. There was a case in Florida recently where two teens were convicted of just that (they were dating, ages 16 and 17, and took pictures of each other) even though the pictures were never released publicly. So you never know... better to be without a few nude pictures than to be a registered sex offender for the rest of your life. Here's an article on it:
I was gonna comment about this too, though I thought that case was kind of messed up. They weren't sent to anyone and yet they were found so I guess it's possible but yeah.
Anywho, if she wants you to delete the photos you definately need to. It would be nice if we all got to keep such pictures but you shouldn't lie to her and keep them even though she may never know. You just need to go out and find a new girl to take pictures of.