Originally Posted by host
I want to <b>emphasize to pan now.....that he is worthy of my strong support....his participation here is highly regarded, as is the renewed participation of politicophile, and that both have my respect.</b>
....and pan.... I am wrestling with this challenge....how can I open myself to opposing ideas and opinions in these mercurial times..... to commit to being "less partisan"....so that they, of opposite perspectives and sympathies will....too, encouraged by the example that you are already setting...... without me being in conflict with this?
Thank you for the very kind words and the respect is mutual Host.
Welcome back Politico.........
As for trying to be open...... maybe as I am turning 40 soon it's a midlife crisis, but I look at the hypocracy in my life and views and try to deal with them, learn from them and be done with them.
In all honesty, I think it is driving me crazy, because I am also coming to see that it is impossible not to be hypocritical at times.
I think my posts show that, in the times when I talk about others being self righteous and espouse my views..... that in and of itself is hypocritical of me because I am pointing out the splinter in one's eye and while acknowledging the log in mine, continue to do so.
But that's life and I am working on that.... driving me batshit, but life is getting very much more mellow and happier because of it.
As for politics, look at the other side, look at what you, yourself take advantage of, the tax breaks, etc. and realize that both sides truly want what is best for the country, but if we go to far in either direction we are doomed, so we need balance and compromises.... moderation.
When seeing that look on common ground between the 2 sides and find a solution. Listen with open mind, respect, an honest heart, and erase all preconcieved prejudices. When they are done, give your side, explain in detail how you came to your beliefs and hopefully, the other person and you can work out a middle ground beneficial to all.
Just remember, every opinion, belief and philosophical idea in politics has a reverse side to it...... somewhere in the middle of each issue is the truth.... don't be so sure your side is the only truth, because then the other side is sure and nothing gets done. If both sides see that there is indeed a middle and need to compromise.... then you can work to find it in a positive manner. If not negativity is the environment in which the bill is passed and thus negativity will be the end result.
You want to win people to your side, show how negative the other side is and how willing you are to put aside your beliefs to find what's best for all, not just you, your party, whatever.
It starts at the bottom and works its way up...... so yes, I am a believer that it can start here. That by my example I may influence some, who in turn can influence some and so on, until there are enough people that believe, that Wash. the state gov'ts. the cities and so on... the political parties and so on will have no choice but to listen.
Positive energy flows uphill and thus it has to start small and work harder, but lasts longer. Negativity, flows from the top down and thus doesn't have to work at all and gets worse as it pours down.
That's why positive can beat negativity...... positivity has to work harder and is stronger because of it. Negativity is weak and easy. Human nature says take the easy way... but to better mankind and the fututre we need take the hard way.