It's so refreshing to come here and see that people are enjoying the last few episodes. Over at TVSquad, where I read reviews (well, more accurately, recaps) of each episode after it airs, it seems people really don't like these "filler" episodes. The posts on the official sci-fi channel boards aren't much better. The fact is, while we all enjoy awesome space battles, and crazy revelations regarding the mythos, every episode can't have that - especially when the season is 20 hours long. Instead, some weeks, we get episodes that are almost entirely dedicated to character development. I, for one, enjoy it, and I'm glad to see that there are others who do as well.
Besides, we all know that when they return to the action for the end of the season it's going to be insanely awesome, so why not sit back and enjoy the break in intensity for a bit!

<hr>In other news, Battlestar Galactica has been renewed for a 4th season, apparently returning to the 13 episode format of season 1. This renewal also means that there will likely be a straight-to-DVD/TV movie between season 3 and 4. Details on the movie are not yet known.