Originally Posted by Phant84
Any suggestions on getting through the stress of cutting out carbs?
Well, you could start smoking, but eventually you'll have to cut that too. There
are foods that are both healthy and taste good, I promise. I will make a comprehensive list and post it at a later time.
Originally Posted by Phant84
Any suggestions on getting rid of man boobies?
Aside from duct tape, there is a mryad of different workout plans that could work.
This plan would be a great start.
Originally Posted by Phant84
Also I have some questions about steroids, if thats safe to ask
Most steriods have side-effects that I doubt you or your team would want. This includes: aggression, irritability, depression, acne, man boobs, elevated cholesterol, ect.. My suggestion would be Creatine. Its the the safest, most natural and benifitial steroid available.
This Men's Health article should provide you with more information on Creatine.