Originally Posted by Ch'i
What I meant was which specific exercises you preform (i.e. does working your chest mean bench press, or butterflies? Hamstring with squats? Ect.). Unless you are using a machine, you can work your abdominals everyday. Be certain your working all five parts as well.
Chest: Chest press, push ups, and bench press
Hamstring: Dead lift and various squats
Abs: Weighted crunches, leg lifts (standard & alternating), and weighted ab twists
Back: Various rowing exercises
Quads: Various squats and lunges
Shoulders: Front raise, shoulder press, and military press
Calves: Standing calf raise & single leg calf raise
Biceps: Curls
Triceps: Tricep Extensions
Cardio: Primarily stair climbing and some swimming (though I'll pry be switching to running). All interval training and usually high intensity.