Wow...this whole thread is bringing back some memories...
My dad had a file cabinet he thought was locked. In it was dildo's and Super8's that eventually my sister and I snuck into the projector and watched(I was out of highschool by then).
My dad had nudie playing cards, stacks of Playboys(eventually I bought him a 3year subscription for Christmas) and a copy of "The Joy of Sex"-apparently never read by my mother.

He swore all these things were 'given' to him, once we brought up his 'stash' as adults.
HBO and Showtime....good times. Watching the porn channels scrambled-did that just a few years ago until Cablevision got wise. All I could think of was how many boys ran home from school to watch this stuff-sometimes the scrambling wasn't scrambled and there'd be brief fullscreen gynecological shots, so to speak.
Up until the 80's or early 90's, maybe, movie theatres showed porn. How many here remember Jamie Gillis? Or actually saw Ron Jeremy in porn flicks?
There was a core group of porn stars and the movies were actually quite good sometimes and genuinely comedic.
I still like glancing at old-time 'porn' photos and noticing the change of body types used; just by body type of the women, I can tell what decade the photo is from. It's quite fascinating. No, really