Speaking of babysitting lol I used to babysit for this Asian couple, they had all manner of "how to" books. I was about 15 when I started sitting for them. Being an avid reader whenever I babysit the first thing I'd do is go thru the peoples bookcase, I will never forget the day I found "The Art of Fellatio". I read that book from cover to cover more times than I can remember. I would practice on whatever I could find that had the "shape" lol
I decided then and there I would be the best blow job giver in the history of blow job giving. It was a very defining moment in my sexual life. I saw ever guy as an experiment, a challenge, and I would do it to anyone that would let me lol...even the guys that would swear they couldnt get off from it. hehehe I've never had a failure and I owe it all to that book
I think every man in the world should have one really good blow job before he dies.
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!