Originally Posted by abaya
If it's only a couple of pounds, is it really worth spending $300 more??
It depends how on far you are hiking, the weight of your other equipment, and the ramifications if your gear fails.
Eureka makes very good tents and has excellent customer service. I used them for years. However, their tents are a bit heavy by backpacking standards. For a shorter trip, they are fine, but I replaced mine when I started going on longer (3+) day trips. I replaced them with a pair of tents from Walrus that held up very nicely on a few 8-12 day hikes in Montana and Alaska. There's a big difference between being 3-4hrs from the nearest road and 3-4 days. While Walrus got bought by someone (MSR, maybe), Sierra Design, Mountain Hardware, and North Face make similar quality equipment.